Sub Floor Ventilation
Adequate sub floor ventilation is essential for buildings with a sub floor.
How much ventilation will depend on the building materials, age, position, and specific geo location. Factors such as type of ground density, run off, existing drainage, or lack thereof are factors when assessing the sub floor ventilation requirements.
Sub floor ventilation systems replaces the moist air with fresh dry air where you do not have the natural airflow. You can install a sub floor ventilation system which includes the installation of sub floor fans, so the moisture and damp air from the sub floor area is extracted and replaced with fresh air from outside via the sub floor fans.
How To Know If You Need Sub Floor Ventilation
If your sub floor is damp, mouldy, or musty in smell or you have any type of fungi or mould growing – you are likely to require subfloor ventilation.
Homes across the wet, flood effected Eastern Seaboard of Australia are highly prone to mould, mildew, and rising damp which all impact on the need for sub floor ventilation and mould remediation.

Sub Floor Ducted Ventilation System
We use quality centrifugal German engineered fans in our subfloor ventilation systems. These systems are configured to create cross flow in subfloor areas and extract stale contaminated air. As these systems extract air, atmospheric pressure replaces the stale air with fresh air. Typically, these systems are timer controlled and run on mains power.
Typically, the system will run from 10am – 4pm daily: